
Current Work:

Enhancing the delivery and reception of the work through the use
of text. Presented as 4 different copies stacked on 4 plinths the 
viewer can engage with the work as a sculpture, invited to take 
a print the work dwindles away, the stack may become askew and untidy,
eventually only empty plinths remain.

Dare To Dream, 2016
Dare To Dream, 2016


Mint, 2016
Mint, 2016


Work from first semester of third year:

My focus here was on the mundanity of object alongside
the use of titles as wordplay. My intention was to 
ask the viewer how they interpret a work of art.

Windowlene, 2015
Windowlene, 2015
IMG_0135 (1)
Plugged In, 2015
Past Works:
Below is my work from an exhibition ran by myself 
and my 2nd year colleagues in 2014.
For more information on the show visit the Exhibitions page.
Andrew Duffy, Untitled, 2014
Exhibition Image 2
Other work from artists featured in the show.